Posted: 12-09-2024
Title: Advanced Ceramics for Extreme Conditions
Location: Army Research Lab – Aberdeen Proving Ground – Aberdeen, MD
Description: Opportunities exist for foundational and early applied research and development (R&D) efforts towards enabling the next generation ceramics and ceramic composites for Army systems. Research activities include: 1) novel synthesis and processing techniques for opaque and transparent ceramics and composites with optimal structure/properties for extreme environments and high-rate impact, 2) advanced manufacturing science for development of heterogeneous multi-scale ceramics and interfaces with high fracture and failure tolerance, 3) high-throughput simulation, machine learning and design optimization for processing-structure-property relationships, and 4) high-throughput non-destructive evaluation and characterization for materials discovery.
Requirements: Preferred attributes include a strong knowledge of ceramic engineering principles and analytical and mechanical characterization techniques. Specialized expertise also desired in areas of ceramic synthesis methods, inorganic chemistry, colloidal particle suspension dispersion and rheology, advanced microscopy and spectroscopy techniques, high-rate mechanisms, advanced manufacturing, process control and modeling, and AI/ML techniques.
Level: Graduate
Description: Materials Science and Engineering
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