January 2, 2024

AEOP Internships and Fellowships, a career development initiative in the AEOP portfolio, provide high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral scientists and engineers, with immersive STEM research opportunities in Army and postsecondary educational institution laboratories across the United States and its territories. The program offers participants the opportunity to learn about education and career opportunities in a variety of STEM fields and develop soft skills to help make informed career decisions, support their retained interest in STEM and diversify their STEM skill sets.
This initiative is administered by the K-12 Center at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) on behalf of the U.S. Army. Founded in 1829, RIT is a diverse and collaborative community of engaged, socially conscious, and intellectually curious minds that provides exceptional individuals with a wide range of academic opportunities. RIT is facilitating a Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify host postsecondary educational institutions to participate in the summer AEOP High School Internships for a two-year period, 2024–2025.
The program is designed to:
- Grow participants interest and engagement in STEM
- Increase STEM competencies among participants
- Increase participant interest in STEM education and careers
- Increase participant awareness and interest in Army and DoD STEM research and careers Increase participants interest in pursuing future STEM activities
- Increase participant awareness and interest in future AEOP opportunities
- Impact participants through mentorship from professional scientists and engineers
The 2024-2025 AEOP High School Internships should provide a summer experience for priority population rising 9th through rising 12th grade students.
Learn more about AEOP Internships and Fellowships here. Responses to the RFP are due no later than Monday, February 12, 2023. Read the full RFP here.
High School Internships
High School students work one-on-one with a university researcher or DoD scientist mentor during this authentic science and engineering research internship.
More About High School InternshipsFind a Volunteering Opportunity
Visit our Program Volunteers page for a tool to find the best opportunity for you.
The eCYBERMISSION Mini-Grant is intended to support teachers/program leaders as they implement eCYBERMISSION with their teams. Educators (formal and informal) of students in grades 6-9 are encouraged to apply. Special consideration is given to Title 1 schools and to those with underserved/ under-represented populations.