Tell Us about Yourself
Currently, I am a high school junior and plan to pursue medicine.
What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)
Words of Advice?
Participate in this program! If you are already interested in STEM, it will increase your desire to explore what’s out there.
Best Things about the Program?
This program gave me the opportunity to develop team building skills and work with my peers to reach a common goal. Because I ultimately want to be a doctor or a physician assistant, the opportunity to conduct research and experiments alongside my mentor helped prepare me for more rigorous science courses.
How Participating in AEOP Inspired You to Advance in the STEM Field?
Before participating in the program, I didn’t fully appreciate how important a STEM workforce is to our country’s future. AEOP helped me develop a greater appreciation for science, and conducting research has encouraged me to pursue a career in medicine.
Who is Your Favorite STEM Role Model? Why?
I don’t really have an absolute favorite, but I do admire those researchers who spend countless hours in the lab to seek out cures for diseases that are particularly difficult for modern medicine to treat.
If You Could Meet One Person Living or Dead, Who Would You Choose? Why?
I would love to meet Dr. Martin Luther King. I’d thank him for the sacrifices he made to ensure children not yet born would experience greater freedoms than he had.
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