Tell Us about Yourself
I am in seventh grade and plan to study mathematics.
What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
Junior Solar Sprint (JSS)
Words of Advice?
Listen to your advisers and they will help you use your imagination and skills to develop solutions to complex problems.
Best Things about the Program?
The best thing about JSS is the more than 15 competitive events to test your skills in engineering and teamwork. My favorite event is dragster racing. First, you design your car on a piece of paper, then cut it out of wood and add wheels. You must meet a lot of specifications to compete and do problem-solving to make your dragster light and fast. Also, you meet many new friends by competing against kids who enjoy the same things you do.
How Participating in AEOP Inspired You to Advance in the STEM Field?
I have always enjoyed math and math competitions. I realized that math goes hand in hand with design and engineering for many of our JSS projects, and I have learned a lot. Our adviser, Jim Hogan, has helped me and everyone else in our program develop better problem-solving skills.
What are your future hopes and dreams?
I hope to go to college to study mathematics and pursue a career in that field one day.
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